
The fish-flavored eggplant (魚香茄子)  ̄ω ̄

Ingredients( seasoning ):
two of eggplants 茄子
some pork or meat ball 豬肉或貢丸

spring onion 蔥 
soy sauce 醬油
oyster sauce 蠔油
broad bean paste 豆瓣醬
some water
basil 九層塔

  1. Cut the eggplants and fry them for 100 seconds
  2. Cut the pork ( meat ball ) into small matchstick and stir fry it with the spring onions, gingers, garlic, and broad bean paste
  3. Add the eggplants and the rest of seasoning ( vinegar, soy sauce, oyster sauce, water )
  4. Stir fry again
  5. Add some basil before soup broth dry
  6. Tasty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Q: How “ Fish-flavored ” eggplant named ?

A: In ancient China, lots of people were poor. They didn't have
money to buy fish. They used spring onion, ginger, garlic, soy
sauce, and chili to make this cuisine. And they thought this cuisine
tastes like fish. That is why they called it “ Fish-flavored eggplant. ” 

